AMUN. Chief god of the New Kingdom and later. Originally a minor
god at Thebes, he rose to prominence in Dynasty 12, which came
from the south, and was promoted to the head of the pantheon under
the Theban Dynasty 18 through a fusion with the sun god Re, becoming
Amen-Re, king of the gods. Amun is usually represented as
a human figure with two plumed feathers but can also have the head
of a hawk. He is viewed as one of the creator gods. His main temple
was at Karnak in Thebes, where he formed part of the Theban triad
with his wife, the goddess Mut, and his son, the moon god Khonsu.
He was later worshipped as one of the main gods in Nubia at Gebel
Barkal and other temples. His sacred animals were the ram and the
goose. See also RELIGION.

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