Tuthmosis III

The warrior king Tuthmosis III, made six years a military campaign in Asia (the Syria and Palestine) was able to prove his power there, and proved the influence of Egypt until the country's shift to the south, was the city of Prince of Kadesh in Syria leads the alliance of warlords of Asian countries in Syria against Egypt Vsamm Tuthmosis III, the discipline of this king and defeat this threat. Vdrb soldiers the best training and built castles and forts, was defeated in a battle known as the Battle of Megiddo in Tel Megiddo (who is now the north of Palestine), and appeared talents of Tuthmosis III, the military, which led to the country fear the Near East from Egypt. One of the historians say old in ancient Egypt and emphasizes in texts from Egypt's power in the era ofThutmose III and say (there is no power in the Near East countries can confront the Egyptian army, which received military training excellent and won under the leadership of the king of genius is the great Pharaoh of Egypt Thutmose III). Also interested in constructing a strong naval fleet was able to simplify the control of many Mediterranean islands such as Cyprus and also expand the influence of the Phoenician coast (the coast ofLebanon and Palestine now), and this is the first to set up the oldest empire in history stretching from the Upper Euphrates as far north as the fourth cataract of the Nile River in the south. And nicknamed (Abu empires) and nicknamed as Tuthmosis III (Napoleon east), as well as (the first emperor in history) as one of the outstanding geniuses in the history of the military throughout the ages. And studied military plans at many colleges and military academies all over the world, the first division of the army into the heart and wings, and has engaged the British Empire, many battles in his plans, particularly by the Lord Allenby in his war againstthe Ottoman Empire in the First World War and this was wise policy impact on the coherence of the Egyptian empire for a century, and dissemination of the Egyptian culture there.

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