Ramses II
Ramses II was the third pharaoh of Dynasty XIX, and his father, King Seti the First.And by Dr. Ramses II in 1303 BC and ruled Egypt for 66 years from 1279 BC. M. Until 1213 BC. M. Ascended to power in his early twenties. Previously presumed that he lived until he became 99 years old, but it probably died in the early Tsainath. Book the ancient Greeks (such as Herodotus) attributed the achievements to the semi-legendary King Sesostris.
Military life
Ramesses II led several expeditions north into the Levant, and in the battle of Kadesh in the fourth year of his reign (1274 BC. M.), The Egyptian forces under his command engaged the forces Muatales the king of the Hittites continued for 15 years, but could not defeat any of the parties the other party. Accordingly, in The 21 year of his reign (1258 BC. M.), Concluded a treaty with Ramses II Hatossells III, the oldest peace treaty in history. Ramses II also led several campaigns south of the First Cataract to the land of Nubia, was established by the city of Ramses (Bur Ramis) in the eastern delta, including managed battles with the Hittites has led some, it may have taken on a new capital of the country and this of coarse is not true has been the country's capital in place in good The greatest is left of the temples and monuments left there.
claim that the king is Pharaoh Ramses Moses
Given the reliance of Western scholars on their Old Testament times and follow the thought contained in it has many of the Orientalists and Western scholars that Ramses II was the same Pharaoh who was a contemporary of Moses and the Jewish presence in Egypt and the owners of this theory: Albright - Iesflt - Roxy - Unger - Father RP de Vaux and those who think that several views and try to prove this hypothesis, some went on to say that if Ramses II had ascended the throne in 1279 BC. m it was on May 31, 1279 BC. m and based on Egyptian history for ascending to the throne of the third month separation of chemo on 27, but invalidates the theory of dependence on Altoreich that there are significant discrepancies among the date mentioned in the Old Testament and mentioned in the New Testament, perhaps the first to call this theory Agaysari Eusebius, who lived from 275 until 339 AD. Also questioned by many Egyptologists, in the hypothesis that Ramses II Froon Moses is not out of historic research, a detailed examination, but because the mummy showed he did not die by drowning in contrast to the followers of this theory tried to promote the pretext of the existence of the affects of water in his lungs. The French physician Maurice Bucaille has mentioned in his book (the Bible and the Quran and modern science) that he thought that the Merneptah son of Ramses II is the closest to be the Pharaoh of Moses, was adapted in so that the Torah and the Bible confirms the presence of Fronin Asra the Prophet Mosespeace be on him, one by his upbringing and the other is known to Pharaoh, who chased out Moses and the children of Israel and God submerged in the Gulf of Suez. But the King Merneptah himself had presented the instrument of his innocence of this theory and explained the mistake to rely on the biblical times written in the Old Testament. Merneptah has provided us with evidence of the fact that the history of Moses was out before hundreds of years by including Mselth engraved on the famous so-called victory chant, which Tbaha the victories for all the kingdoms surrounding him, including the kingdom of the Jews in Palestine. This is the largest user blogger on stone, not subject to distortion stresses that the children of Israel had entered Palestine and formed their own time and there is Ramses II and his son Merneptah to power in Egypt. And also found no affect belong with the reign of Ramses II in which he stated anything about the children of Israel or the impact of epidemics that refer to Allaah punished by the ruler of Egypt and its people even pay to except the request of the prophet Moses freeing and exit from the land of Egypt. As Moses that Pharaoh claimed divinity for himself while he was King Ramses II provides four gods are Amon devout and glorified him and his army of four teams named names.As mentioned, the first mention of the children of Israel in ancient Egyptian antiquities in the reign of King Merneptah's son Ramses II and his successor in office on the board that have been discovered, known as Israel or the board proclaiming victory, and the Merneptah recorded victories on the land of Canaan and the Kingdom of Israel in Palestine, which categorically denies any the possibility that the Pharaoh Ramses II is the levy that is the Pharaoh Merneptah out.
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