DAHSHUR. Modern name for the area south of Saqqara where several
royal tombs from Dynasty 4, Dynasty 12, and Dynasty 13 are
located. Two pyramids, the Bent and the Red, are assigned to Snefru
and were the first built as true pyramids from the start. The pyramids
of Amenemhat II, Senusret III, and Amenemhat III are also
located here, as well as the tombs of queens and princesses from
which much fine jewelry has been excavated. The tomb of King Hor
of Dynasty 13 has also been discovered. The area was excavated by
the French from 1894–1895; the Egyptians under Ahmad Fakhry
from 1951–1955; and the German Archaeological Institute, later
taken over by the Metropolitan Museum of Art beginning in 1980,
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