REPTILES in ancient egypt

The turtle, Shetiu, was regarded  indication of the
harmful deities and was described  throughout Egyptian
history as the enemy of the god Ré. The crocodile was
sacred to the god SOBEK, worshiped in temples in the
FAIYUM and at KOM OMBO in Upper Egypt. The cobra,
WADJET, was considered an emblem of royalty and throne
power. The cobra was also the guardian of Lower Egypt,
with a special shrine at BUTO.
Snakes were symbols of new life and resurrection
because they shed their skins. One enormous snake, METHEN,
guarded the sacred boat of Ré each night, as the god journeyed
without end through the HEll. APOPHIS,
another charming snake, attacked Ré each night. Frogs
were symbols of reproductivity and resurrection and were members
of the OGDOAD at HELIOPOLIS. The scorpion was considered
a helper of the goddess Isis and was deified as

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