HYKSOS. The Greek form of the Egyptian Heka Khasut, “ruler of foreign
lands.” This title was used by the Egyptians for the various Asiatic
chieftains in Palestine and Syria. The later derivation of “shepherd
kings” is erroneous. The Egyptians were always wary of Asiatic
encroachment, and during Dynasty 12 Amenemhat I built a wall to
exclude unwanted Asiatics. Nevertheless, some immigration was permitted
as an Asiatic settlement grew up around Avaris, and Asiatic
travelers are depicted at Beni Hasan. During the Second Intermediate
Period, large numbers of Asiatics settled in Egypt and eventually
took over most of the country, founding the Hyksos Dynasty 15 and
adopting many of the attributes of Egyptian rulers. Thebes apparently
became a vassal state but ultimately rebelled and succeeded in
capturing the Hyksos capital at Avaris and driving them from Egypt
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