Early dynasty-first dynasty

king" narmer";-was egyptian pharaoh who ruled in the 31.century b.c thought to be the successor to the predynastic kings scorpion or "selk"or "ka" he is considered by some to be the unifier of egypt and founder of the first dynasty ,and therefore the first king of all egypt there is a growing consensus that scorpion and "NarMer "are identical but no identification with any early king can yet be definitively proven.
the famous"NarMeR"palette;discovered in 1898 in HieraKonpolis,it shows NarMer displaying the insignia of both upper and lower egypt, giving rise to the theory that he unified the two kingdoms in 3100 B.C.
traditionally "MENES" is credited with that unification, and he is listed as being the first king manethon's list of kings ,so this find has caused controversy.
some egyptologists hold that "MENES'' and "NARMER''are the same person ,some hold that "MeNES"is the same person as ''HoR-AHA''and that he inherited an already -unified egypt from ''NARMer''others hold that'' NArMEr''began the process of unification but either didnot succeed
or succeeded only partially, leaving it to "MeNeS''to complete arguments have been made that ''NarMEr''is "MENES"because of his appearance on several ostraca in conjuction with the gameboard hieroglyph,MN,which appears to be acontemporary record to the other wise mythical king.
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